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4/27/24} #eyyy t#is is super cool u#### yea# B) today #asnt been like supr eventful but me and Lo FINALYYYY #ave our own blog [it didnt even take t#at long 2 make our own] n e ways ya# its pretty sweet. im excited to add more s#it to t#e site and all t#at itll be so so cool. omfg fun fact! w#ile i made t#is page our computer glitc#ed tf out so i #ad 2 restart it. super fun. B:/ #e#e#a#a tb# im not too sure w#at ot#er pages ot#er t#an t#e blog and gallery and s#it we wanna add. if u guys #ave any suggestions lmk t#x! ill post sum art on #ere sometime soon yk? so u #ave t#at 2 look forward 2 woo #oo BXD ill prolly draw some more s#it 2day idk we'll see. anyways stay awesome see ya BD


04.28.24} Hello. :) Today has been an alright day. I drew a little bit and have been hanging out with Murrit and my friend. It's been very nice. It's getting pretty late, but I might make some ramen before I rest. If we have any at least haha, I hope we do. I've been rewatching the Sonic Snapcube Fandub as well as Friendship is Witchcraft. That's been very entertaining for myself. I also listened to some music. :) We're very behind in school at the moment which isn't great to think on since It'll be over soon. We're homeschooled and I'm a little worried. We have so much missing work, the latest work we have in a class is Math. We're currently still working on Augusts math assignments and it's so awful, I'm hoping we can get that done soon. Luckily I actually have some energy to get it done so I might attempt to get some done tomorrow. Anyways, that's all I really have to say on today. Goodnight. :)

04.30.24} Today hasn't been one of the best. I was supposed to go to therapy today but we've been very tired so I just stayed home. Not the best feeling but theres always next time. :) I redid our SpaceHey layout which was very fun, I'm happy with how it looks. I might modify the actual contents of our page since we haven't touched on that for a while but yes. I spoke with our boyfriend as usual it was so nice! :) I've also been hanging out with Murrit which is always very nice. The gatekeepers want us to front for a while(/sys), I'm not sure how long but I'm happy to be here with their company. :) I think I might write more about how I feel later in private that could be nice. Anyways, that's all. Goodnight.