yk news and stuff yea#####

gm super real factual news listeners w#at is up?? u## ok so i looked up random ass stupid #olidays and todays national devil dog day w#atever tf t#at is i guess its like, a food or somet#ing. go try t#at if u want yea###!!! u### lets see [s#uffles t#ru papers] u######### [i dont actually #ave any papers] u### # ####### o# yea# u# today is national dismas #ate day!! go and #8 ur lover enemy t#at you defintely #ate!! also i put like, a dismas #8 page on t#e main site so go find t#at its #idden somew#ere U## ANYWAYS NEXT ok so i picked a random state today were gonna see #ow t#e weat#er is in Iceland!! alr today its lookin a little cloudy with a temp of 46, a #igh of 47 and a low of 35. ok bye end of todays newscast

Saturday, April 27th


GOOD MORNINNN super real factual news enjoyers tune in rn for ur newest inconsistent timing morning news report! oo##### ok todays a fun one todays national super#ero day #ell yea# go celebrate ur favorite #ero. i #ave a basic ass answer but i love spiderman guys #es so sick B) looks t#ru my papers and does anot#er google searc# u###. omg did u know today t#e first successful parac#ute jump was made?? ik super interestin and crazy. t#is is ur reminder 2 eat if u #avent u#### okay so weat#er I asked google 2 pick a random one. today we got alaska! todays gonna be on t#e cloudy side wit# a temp of 39, a #igh of 49 and a low of 39. damn looks like its t#e lowest rn. anyways! t#ats all see u guys in t#e next weat#er announcement

Sunday, April 28th

w#at is up welcome to monday mornings super real factual news B:D 2days national #oliday is viral video day, so go watc# ur favorite youtubers and s#it today yk?? im gonna rewatc# markipliers fnaf series for 2day. speakin of fnaf w#ats ur guys favorite c#aracter?? i like mr #ippo anyways #ave a good viral video day. apparently t#e all purpose zipper was made on t#is day, w#atever t#e fuck t#at s#it even is. pretty cool t#o right?? [na# not rlly i just couldnt find a better fact abt today] ok now to t#e weat#er lets #ave google pick me a random state. alrrr so today were gonna see #ow t#e weat#er is in new mexico. letss take a look #mm ok its gonna be 49 degrees and a lil #azy, t#e #ig# 2day is 76 and t#e lows gonna be likeeee idk 49! anyways t#ats all 4 today man see u in t#e next news t#ingy B)

Monday, April 29th